Friday, December 14, 2018

Gun control has been a major problem for the United States over the past decade and is something that needs to be addressed immediately. I completely agree with my colleague's view on gun control and that it is an important issue that is brought up time and time again but gets skimmed over and it feels as if very little is ever changed. The fact that we've had almost as many mass shootings as we have had days in 2018 is appalling and is something that we need to take a major look at and take action on. While there are still many laws that are currently being put in place, this is an issue that can no longer be looked over and brushed aside. I don't want to ever have to worry about the next generation fearing going to school, or going to a public outing and having the fear that it could end traumatically. The fact that there are nearly 52 thousand gun related violence incidents this year is something that not only needs to be drastically reduced but it needs to be put to an end. We can no longer have firearms out on the streets in the wrong hands. We need to ensure not only an America of new opportunity but a place that people can come to and feel as if they are safe and at home.

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