Thursday, October 4, 2018

How Brett Kavanaugh Failed

A recent article was posted in The New York Times on October 4th, 2018, called How Brett Kavanaugh Failed by The Editiorial Board which was able to offer the opinion on the recent trial that's been storming the nation. The article was able to voice the idea that Republicans have been ruling office and have been able to try and take hold of The Supreme Court and more importantly the justice system. It talks about how much of an outrage it would be if Kavanaugh was elected to The Supreme Court and in which way it would swing societies view towards politics and our justice system. Kavanaugh is on trial for sexual assault allegations which has skewed many politicians view of him being appointed a judge, and even though many Republicans are still backing Kavanaugh there are many more reasons why the rest of the people who have a say in him being appointed are not as confident in his ability be fair and open-minded. Not only are the allegations themselves enough to question Kavanughs character but the way that he's showed up in trial has raised some more eyebrows. He claims that his whole reputation and family life are on the line because of the trial but has shown up in the courtroom as if he has more to prove than just his innocence. Much of America has been following this trial and it's recent events and it does seem to raise more uncertainties than it does confidence in Brett Kavanaugh being appointed to The Supreme Court. He was able to hold himself together and show up professionally in an earlier interview about the recent events, but has shown flashes of anger and has been dishonest on the stand which brings people to question the ability of Kavanaugh to be transparent and genuine at all times especially when it matters. This brings across a very tough decision for America considering Kavanaughs track record with our government playing a very pivotal role in big cases. It's not an easy decision to make at all but I do believe the appropriate decision here is to turn down Kavanaugh as an option for The Supreme Court given the recent events, and also considering there are many other good options available to have fill the open position. Making this decision could balance out the recent uneven swing in politics and could give a new perspective on how we deal with these kind of situations as a country.

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