Thursday, October 18, 2018

The New Age of Voting

An article was published in The New York Times on October and 18, 2018, titled Time to Close the Democracy Gap by The Editorial Board that proposed the opinion that America has too many restrictions on how we vote and who is allowed to vote. The article went onto describe how many elections have had votes that were revoked because there was supposed voter fraud and the people who had placed the votes themselves were allegedly not supposed to have placed the votes in the first place. This is not the only problem with our voting system in this country. Many states have done their best to accommodate voters and have made it easier for people to cast their vote in a timely manner while others are stuck in our "old fashioned system" that requires people to essentially go out of their way to vote for who and what they believe in. The article was very well written and has a fact based opinion approach that allows it's viewers to relate to their voting experiences in the past as well as the present. One can perceive that the audience that would grasp onto this article the most would be people with past voting experience, but I believe that this article is more geared to the population with little to no voting experience. It's astonishing the amount of Americans that don't vote every year and to think that there could be changes put into place that could diminish these numbers and could provide many more people with the opportunity to vote and these changes aren't being made is ridiculous. I do believe that many Americans simply don't make the time or even have the time to vote in the first place, but does the make us lazy? The answer is no, many Americans feel as if their not knowledgeable enough to vote for the candidates that are on the ballot. They don't want to place a vote for someone just because they have heard their name mentioned before without knowing what side of the spectrum that candidate stands on for very important social and political issues. I do believe that the article provided a very insightful view on what can be done to better provide voting opportunities for all, but I also believe that we need to do a better job of what we can do to better educate Americans on who and what they're voting for. These changes can provide a more knowledgeable progressive America amongst us.

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