Sunday, November 18, 2018

Election Day

The controversial idea that Election Day should be a national holiday was not one I spent much time discussing until this past year. The time spent trying to find a place and exact time that I can vote with my schedule is a hassle to say the least. In a recent blog I read from Yaresi's Government Blog the author argued that Election Day should not be a national holiday because most people would use it as a day of luxury and would not use it for it's intended purpose. The author pointed out that people who aren't even allowed to vote would get a free day off and the increase in traffic that would arise from everyone using this day only to vote. These are some valid points, I do agree that the polling places would be a lot more populated and that not everyone is allowed to vote so they would in turn get a free day off. However I think about all of the people who can't seem to find the time to vote, or even don't have the interest to vote and all of the benefits that would arise by making Election Day a national holiday. People would see it on their calendar every year and it would raise that attention around the upcoming election and more people would be inclined to review the candidates who are on the ballot. I believe the elections themselves would be much more popular and people would want to do the work to feel a part of something that is much bigger than themselves. Making Election Day a national holiday would be a positive move allowing more people the chance to vote that they might not get otherwise, and it would raise the all around attention to what is being discussed in the elections themselves.

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