Thursday, September 20, 2018

New Restraints on Cyberattacks

The New York Times published an article on September 20, 2018, called Trump Loosens Secretive Restraints on Ordering Cyberattacks by David E. Sanger which outlines the way in which America plans to use new cyber strategies. The new strategies and plans are to delegate more power to Gen. Paul M. Nakasone who was previously in charge of the Army's cybercommand. With the new orders in place its main goals are to improve our digital defenses, to work with private industry, and work with allies.  Even though technology has come a long way with how we use cyber operations, it's still hard to implement a cyber attack before a cyber defense is put into place which can come to be problematic. A main objective of these new cyber operations is to conduct cyber attacks and to be on the offensive.